LANXESS increases prices for inorganic pigments

23 Jun 2021
Cologne, June 14, 2021 – Specialty chemical company LANXESS is raising its prices for inorganic pigments globally with immediate effect, subject to existing agreements. Quotations will be increased by EUR 150 minimum per metric ton or its equivalent in local currency. In some cases, price increase can be higher depending on product group and production site. Customers will be contacted individually as it applies to their products.

The price adjustment is required due to constantly raising raw material and energy cost as well as much higher freight rates.

The LANXESS Inorganic Pigments business unit is the world's largest manufacturer of synthetic iron oxides pigments and a leading producer of inorganic chrome oxides pigments. These products have a track record going back many decades as colorants for building materials, paints and coatings, plastics, paper and other applications. These high-tinting-strength inorganic pigments are produced according to strict sustainability criteria.


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