Innovative next-generation polymers to be featured on first day of ACS Spring 2021

23 Mar 2021
WASHINGTON, March 23, 2021 — Materials that interface with the human body, plastics to sequester carbon dioxide and other innovative and sustainable polymers will be explored in the opening session of the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). ACS President H. N. Cheng, Ph.D., is co-sponsoring the April 5 session, which will set the stage for the meeting’s theme of “Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century.” ACS Spring 2021 will be held online April 5-30, with live oral technical presentations hosted April 5-16 and on-demand and networking content continuing through April 30.  

Featured presentations on Monday, April 5, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EDT (7-9:30 a.m. PDT):  
  • Takuzo Aida, Ph.D., “Supramolecular Polymerization: Its Significance and Applications”
  • Kristi S. Anseth, Ph.D., “Polymer Networks as Synthetic Extracellular Matrices: Biology in the 4th Dimension”
  • Anthony J. Ryan, Ph.D., D.Sc., “Neofossils: Bio-based Plastics to Sequester CO2”

Presidential symposia:
  • Sustainability: Advances and Applications
  • Ideas from Mind to Market: International Collaborations for Health, Wellness and Sustainability    
  • Chemistry and the Future of Plastics
  • Plastics and the Oceans: Chemistry for the Journey Ahead    
  • Industrial-Academic Dialogue    
  • Advancing International Chemical Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Launch, Leverage, Lead
  • Macromolecular Science at the Dawn of its Second Century

Symposia recommended by the ACS President:    
  • Advances in Renewable Energy and Fuels     
  • COVID: Lessons Learned    
  • Lessons Learned from Starting a Chemical-Related Business     
  • Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research


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