Its all about how you sell and not what you sell

Vandita Jadeja

29 Jan 2018
It's all about HOW you sell and not WHAT you sell!
There is a new "millennial" world out there. Just for those who find this word new which is being used a lot in today's write-ups, here is the exact definition
mil·len·nial: a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000; a Generation Year.
To go with the flow, you have to change the way you sell. The traditional way of selling and marketing no longer works in today's purchasing setup.
Customer's are using more modern means of buying. The information is available at the click of a button, via the use of convenient search engines.
The customers have access to more information than earlier it used to be. As a result the customers are closing the deals in new ways. The biggest and the best example is how purchasing is done today using Amazon or e-bay or Flip-kart for that matter. If you search for a product you can find it on your phone, tablet or the desktop computer.

Then, why would you not upgrade the way you sell. Purchases can compare and contrast with the quality and pricing and might get a better price, even a 10 cent lower price can account for a huge savings on the bottom-line of the purchasers specially when they are buying in BULK!

Technology has changed a lot in the last 2 decades and one should be abreast with it at this time when most of the developed world has gone digital and the developing world is almost at the pace to compete strongly with the developed world.
The technology provides you a way to make important decisions, review your clients and close a deal.
The technology will help you find the best freight prices based on the location where the products are being shipped from.
Gone are the days when most of the transactions were done using a phone. Today the deal happens because the name is seen on social media, the products are reviewed by some customers and the crowd-reviews play an important role is establishing the brand name.
The early adopters are the ones who benefit in the long run. See the graph below.
- By Rajiv Parikh


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