Press Release
Commenting on the performance, Mr. B. S. Yadav, Managing Director, Godrej Agrovet Limited, said:
The financial year 2023-34 augured well for Godrej Agrovet in terms of robust surge in profitability over FY2022-23. This growth in profitability was primarily driven by exceptional performance of domestic crop protection business, structural turnaround of dairy business, market share gains in Animal Feed and robust volume & margin growth in branded products in our poultry business.
Domesticcropprotectionbusinessdeliveredstellarperformanceprimarilydrivenbyhighervolumes ofin-houseandin-licensedproducts. AnimalFeedbusinessrecordeddouble-digitgrowthinvolumes in cattle feed and fish feed categories and significant increase in segment margins led by softened commodity prices and higher realizations in the aforementioned categories. Our Dairy business achievedremarkableturnaroundandreturnedtoprofitability.Thiswasdrivenbyfocusedeffortson improving operational efficiencies and improved milk spread. The Poultry business also recorded robust improvement inprofitabilityon thebackof higher livebirdpricesand increase involumesof branded product portfolio.
In our Vegetable Oils business, lower end-product prices, which came off record highs of FY23 and normalized during FY24, resulted in lower segment margins as compared to FY23. For Astec Lifesciences, FY24 was a challenging year as it was severely impacted by acute demand-supply imbalance which resulted in unremunerative realizations in respect of its key enterprise products.
Duringtheyear,GodrejAgrovetalsofocusedonachievingthelong-termsustainabilitytargetsguided by theGodrejGroup's Good &Green vision.We areone ofthe two agriculturalcompanies inIndian agriculture sector to be included in “A” list – leadership band of Climate Disclosure Project’s (CDP) climatedisclosures.GAVL’sCDPscoresareaheadoftheglobalaverages.Weachievedgoodprogress in achieving2025sustainability targets led by(a)77%ofenergyconsumption from clean renewable energy sources as against target of 90% and (b) being a water positive company already conserving 20 times more water than the consumption.