“The Division of Chemical Health and Safety is looking forward to supporting Dr. Mulcahy’s vision as she brings her exceptional skill set to the journal. Her insight will support the advancement of chemical safety science to the global community. CHAS plans to work closely with ACS Publications and the editor to continue serving the scientific community while reinforcing the importance of safe, ethical and responsible science,” says Samuella Sigmann, chair of the division.
“The chemical safety community is so diverse, extending beyond scientists and other practitioners to include students, environmental health and safety professionals, managers, regulators and others,” says Mulcahy. “I am excited to lead the journal as it embraces the sharing of best practice and new ideas under the auspices of the ACS.”
“I take great pleasure in welcoming Dr. Mary Beth Mulcahy to her new role as editor-in-chief of ACS Chemical Health & Safety. We are excited to bring this title to the ACS portfolio of high-quality journals and look forward to seeing her vision for the journal come to life. We truly appreciate the CHAS Division of the ACS in supporting this move, which aims to build upon the success achieved by the journal’s previous editors,” says James Milne, Ph.D., senior vice president, Journals Publishing Group within ACS Publications. “Given the rapid pace of scientific discovery, and the sustained growth of global research activities, it is vital for us to continue to improve safety culture, a key goal of this important international journal.”