Convention on Colorants 2017 A Successful Session with Key People in the Chemistry world

10 Mar 2017

Mumbai: The 7th edition of International Convention on Colorants -2017 was jointly conducted by The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India (DMAI) and the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai, with the support of Dept. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt of India on 9th & 10th February 2017 at The Club, Andheri (W), Mumbai. More than 200 delegates from the industry and academia attended the Convention. Padmashree Prof. Goverdhan Mehta, FNA, FRS University Distinguished Professor & Dr. Kallam Anji Reddy Chair School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad was the Keynote Speaker.

Key Points: 
1. The research in the organic chemistry all over the world would automatically change the mind-set of the industry, he added.  The R part of R&D has played a larger role in this transformation - Mr. Janak Mehta
2. The basic concept of COC is to reach the best of research work from anywhere in the world to the doorstep of colorant industry
- Mr. Janak Mehta
3. ICT Mumbai and Shroff S.R Rotary Institute, Bharuch part of the convention.
4. H
arnessing solar energy should become one of the top priorities - Prof Mehta 
5. Prof Mehta emphasized that the concept of recycling has to become fundamental to the practice of chemistry

Plenary Session

In his brief welcome address, Shri Jitendra Patel, Chairman, COC 17 & President, DMAI stated that it is a very happy and pride moment for all of us to attend the 7th edition of COC 17. It was in 2005 when the concept of COC was conceived by the mentors Prof. Kanetkar, the then Head of Dyes Department, UDCT and Shri Janak Mehta from DMAI resulting in the first COC. After the smooth conduct of 6 editions, this 7th edition will also have a smooth sail, he hoped.

While welcoming the delegates, Shri Patel was confident that the experience and expertise of the distinguished and eminent speakers will undoubtedly motivate the participants to acquire updated and immense knowledge for their future endeavors. He also thanked all the Organizing Committee members and others behind the show. While concluding his address, Shri Patel thanked the delegates and others, who have thronged in large numbers for the event.

The proceedings thereafter started with lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries on the dais. They also released the colourful, attractive and illustrative souvenir of COC 17, which was clapped by the audience in appreciation. 

Prof.Ganapati Shankarling, Co-Chairman, COC-17, in his address, welcomed the distinguished audience and was confident that the earlier versions of COCs would have definitely benefited the participants. Poster sessions by the students of ICT and Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology(SRICT), Bharuch would be an impetus for them to display their presentations based on their relentless research work.

While complimenting the Colorant Industry, Academia and the Govt. for this unique venture of coming together under the same umbrella to exchange knowledge for their betterment, Prof. Shankarling was sanguine that the presentations of the eminent and experienced speakers during the current edition would create a platform for the colorants fraternity to take away new ideas and thoughts.

Prof.Kanetkar, in his address as the Mentor of COCs, identified 3 important features for conducting the Conventions viz. improvement by way of process intensification, environmental concepts to safeguard the nature and humanity from the ill effects, and thrust in Research and Development. These constituted the very nucleus for the past COCs as well as the present one.

Mentor Shri Janak Mehta , in his brief address, mentioned that the Convention is now recognized beyond national barriers. It is now a full-fledged movement, which is very relevant to colorants calendar. The research in the organic chemistry all over the world would automatically change the mind-set of the industry, he added. The R part of R&D has played a larger role in this transformation. The basic concept of COC is to reach the best of research work from anywhere in the world to the doorstep of colorant industry . He complimented the students for the poster session, which was started in 2013 edition, which would display their research work and sharpen their skills. Shri Mehta also thanked the Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, GOI for their active support and co-operation extended to the industry including COCs.

Prof. Prakash Bhate thereafter introduced the Keynote Speaker Prof. Goverdhan Mehta to the audience.

Rethinking Chemistry - A Science for Global Sustainability in the 21 st Century

Padmashree Prof. Goverdhan Mehta began his Keynote Address, titled "Rethinking Chemistry - A Science for Global Sustainability in the 21st Century" by recalling the great services rendered by Prof K Venkataraman in the Chemistry field.

Stressing the major connection between chemistry and colorants, Prof Mehta outlined chemistry as an omnipresent sustainable science. With simple examples from our daily life, Prof. Mehta brought home that Chemistry is manifest in each human endeavor.

Terming chemistry as essentially an art and craft of mixing substances, Prof. Mehta traced its origin to pre-historic days, and vividly and exhaustively described the perception of chemistry as a science, which has evolved over time into an integrated and sustainable one. It will have to become greener, leaner and resource prudent. Naming recycling as the most important feature of sustainability, Prof Mehta emphasized that the concept of recycling has to become fundamental to the practice of chemistry.

Prof Mehta, however, lamented about claims of some chemists on green chemistry, who have been messing around without recognizing the DNA of green within them. He remarked that color was primarily a sensory perception. He stressed that chemistry should be a science in its own right to be practiced for the service of humanity, and needs reinvention and repositioning. Prof Mehta predicted that chemistry will be the key factor enabling to provide water, energy, food, health care and shelter to all human beings under the sun. He stressed that harnessing solar energy should become one of the top priorities. Despite the wide range use of silicon based solar panels, this technology has reached a plateau and hence a more efficient means of harnessing solar energy is the need of the hour. He opined that future lies in functional dyes, since they have shown a higher order of efficiency.

Prof. Mehta felt that recycling of carbon dioxide is the most feasible solution in the present context. He shared a possible ground-breaking advance made very recently by scientists, wherein they have shown the formation of ethanol from carbon dioxide, water and electrons. He also described the process of photosynthesis, wherein the plant kingdom fixes carbon dioxide by utilizing sun's energy. He highlighted the possibility of using the tools of molecular biology to transfer the genetic material from plants to bacteria so that the latter can replicate photosynthesis.

Prof Mehta further emphasized that there is a strong connect between human health and chemistry. Development of newer and better antibiotics by chemists has helped the human race from many deceases, including cancer. He highlighted the role of dyes in photodynamic therapy, which is used in some countries for providing palliative care to tumor patients.

Prof Mehta concluded his mesmerizing address by describing as to how pigments based chemicals were commercialized in the mid-1980s. These pigments, especially the red, have become a runaway success, he stated.

The plenary session ended with a vote of thanks by Shri Ram Ajekar, Convener, Finance Committee, COC - 17 and Past President, DMAI.


In the technical sessions that followed for the next 2 days, many reputed and distinguished speakers from both India and abroad made extensive and informative presentations on the latest technical innovations and up gradations in the Colorants field all over the globe. Presentations on innovations in focus areas like Sensors, Process Safety and Engineering, Process Intensification, Functional Colors were well received and appreciated. The topics were of high relevance to the Colorant industry and very useful to the audience (Details shown elsewhere). The Chairmen of Sessions and speakers were felicitated with mementos after each session.


There were 31 interesting posters on various innovations by the research students of ICT and other reputed Universities. Top 3 students were awarded cash prizes, which was instituted in 2013 in the memory of Late Dr.Bernt Lamatsch.

The concluding session held on 10thFebruary 2017 was moderated by Shri Virendra Widge, Convener, Publicity & Publications Committee and 1st President DMAI. He proposed a Vote of thanks and complimented the teamwork and concerted efforts of all the personnel at different levels for the grand success of COC 17. All the Sponsors and Organising Committee members were also felicitated with mementos.

The curtains were drawn there after by cocktails and dinner. Onus is now cast on us for the next COC-19.


Technical Sessions

Session - I - Process Safety and Engineering





Prof. V.R. Kanetkar, Ex-Emeritus Professor, ICT, Mumbai



i) Mr.V V Bhujle,

Partner, GVS CibatechPvt Ltd,

A systematic approach to inherent safety during manufacturing


ii) Mr.K. Sahasranaman,

Ex-ThyssenKrupa Industrial Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd

Utilities in Chemical Process Plant


Session II - Sensors





Prof.N.Sekar, Former head, Dept. of Dyestuff Technology, ICT, Mumbai



i) Prof. A.K. Singh,

Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Bombay

Design of Fluorescent Molecular Probes for various applications


ii) Dr.Peter Czerney,

Founder and M.D. Dyomics GmbH, Germany

Applications of Organic Dyes in Life Science Industries


Session III - Process Intensification





Dr.Pankaj Desai,

Head, Research & Development, Colourtex Industries Pvt.Ltd.



i) Dr.M.G. (Deepak) Palekar,

STEP Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai

Technologies for sustainable development in specialty chemical industry


ii) Mr.Syamal Kumar De,

General Manager (Technology and Operations) Atul Aromatics

Sulphonation of Aromatics with Sulphur Trioxide


Session IV - Natural Dyes 





Prof.G.S. Shankarling, Head,

Division of Dyestuff Technology, ICT, Mumbai



i) Dr.PadmaVenkar, Principal Research Scientist, Facility for Ecology and Analytical Testing, IIT Kanpur

Natural Dyes - Innovation and Upgradation of Technology for Industrial Use


ii) Dr.T. Mukhopadhyay,

Former Executive Director & R&D Head,

CavinkarePvt.Ltd, Chennai

Colouring your hair : A Continuing Challenge


Session V - Latest Methods in Waste Water Treatment





Mr. Ashok Panjwani, Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd



i) Dr.B. Chakraborty,

MD, Genesis Membrane SepratechPvt.Ltd., Mumbai

Membrane Technology for Waste Water Treatment


ii) Dr.VinayBhandari,

Sr. Principal Scientist & Professor, AcSIR,

CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

Newer Development and Challenges in Dye Wastewater Treatment


Session VI - Functional Colorants





Prof. P.M. Bhate, ICT, Mumbai



ii) Prof. Nagao Kobayashi, Shinshu University, Japan

Synthesis, applications and practical uses of functional metallophthalocyanines


Session VII - Process Technology





Dr.Shavak Bhumgara

Eskay Dyestuffs & Organics Chemicals Pvt.Ltd



i) Mr.Viru Shah, ex - Air Products and Chemical Inc., USA

Surfactants, Grind Aids and Defoamers in waterborne Application


ii) Mr.Siddharth Solanki, Head - Sales HaverIbau India Pvt.Ltd

Powder Filling - Challenges and Solutions


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