Editorial September-2017 The Two As Agro-chemicals and Automotives Industry

Rajiv Parikh

27 Jan 2018

The Two A's : Agro-chemicals and Automotives Industry...

I ndia is a country dominated by agriculture and agro related products. This makes the agrochemicals industry a highly prominent industry in the country. The industry is dominated by major players who are increasing their geographical market by mergers and acquisitions. With the implementation of GST, the agro chemical industry is expected to have major changes in terms of the availability of agro products and the purchasing power of the farmers. Being an industry of utmost importance, the Government has set different rates for different products in order to ensure that the sector does not suffer.

Another important industry for the country is the automobile industry which has seen a high growth and increase in size across the nation. In order to expand the geographical dimensions, auto makers are innovating in terms of the size of the vehicle and offering cheaper versions of the same. With the use of strategic marketing methods, the companies aim to cater to the varied needs of the consumers across different regions.

The implementation of GST has had a positive impact on the auto industry with an increase in the purchase of vehicles in the last few months. GST has made the premium models easily accessible to a large number of consumers. With a fall in the rate of luxury cars and SUVs, the gap between the small sized cars and SUVs is now reduced by a large extent. The talk of self-driven cars has taken the auto industry by storm, with huge investments and a high risk factor; it will be interesting to see how the industry accepts the driverless cars.

Various players across the industry are making huge investments in India in order to cater to the increasing demand. Foreign companies are purchasing land in India to set up manufacturing plants and produce vehicles which are high on technology and affordable to the consumers. The industry shows high growth forecast and will outperform other sectors in a few years.

We are constantly striving to bring you the latest information about the various sectors of the economy which has an impact on the growth and GDP of the country. We try to cover some of the most important sectors across India and we hope to make business easier to understand.

In order to cater to the changing times, we offer an Inventory Sharing Platform, which is a convenient and easy way of expanding your business. Traders and suppliers can list their products on the platform which can be accessed by other members on the platform. You can keep the information private and only visible to the members of the platform. This is a simple way of allowing the traders, manufacturers and distributors to connect with one another and fulfill the orders.

With the Inventory Sharing Platform, we aim to connect likeminded distributors and manufacturers and fulfill their orders in a quick and convenient manner by searching if another distributor can provide for it. It is a collaborative platform and not a competitive platform. We hope that we can make your journey in this industry easier and help you grow in every manner.

Te festive season is soon approaching from October to December and we hope that all have a good time in this time of the year with lights and happiness all around!
- Rajiv Parikh


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