Editorial May-2020 3 Ways to connect with the right businesses

15 May 2020
This time the editorial will not contain any news or updates from the Covid-19 world or any news from the chemical world, because you are already aware of what is happening around the world through various sources of TV news channels or social media. 

Today the goal is not how to make money but in these tough times, it is about staying afloat, connecting with the businesses and making sure about the well being of all our colleagues, employees, competitors and family.

To reach out to people other than family and to know how to connect with businesses in these tough and challenging times. There are several ways; for one is to call them or sending them a personal note via whatsapp or email. But how would you connect with those whom you want to reach out but have no prior business relations. We have the answer! And that is to use any or all of the following ways:
Chemical Market Magazine Whatsapp subscription

1. WhatsApp Magazine: Today the whole world has gone digital. From grocery stores to video games. Are you also getting digital? You can post your purchase enquiry or sales enquiry FREE of cost in our magazine which gets distributed to all the industry leaders and decision makers. The magazine gets delivered to them on their personal phone! Yes you heard it right! Personal phone. They can click on your email or website by browsing through the magazine enquiries and/or advertiements. 

2. Online Presence: We have been sending mass emails or so called email blasts to our 30000+ subscriber base and they can view your products, your company on our website. 
The system is similar to how you have your LinkedIn profile. Does your company have one on ChemicalMarket.net? Linkedin
Again, the system is similar to how a restaurant has a menu on Zomato, does your company have products listed on ChemicalMarket.net? 

When people receive email message from our end, we send them profiles and products of companies who are registered with us and list their products in the emailers. What are the chances that you are doing your marketing right to reach the right target audience?

3. Leads Platform: When you are a member of our website, we want you to post what you need to buy (requirements) to manufacture your final products. For that you need to post Buy Enquiries which acts as a lead to the potential manufacturer who produces your raw materials. Take advantage of our leads platform and reach the manufacturers, distributors and/or traders at the click of a button. Do not delay, the more you delay, it will get tougher once the lockdown is lifted because there will be several competitors who outpaced you in the business because they were pro-active and used to digital tools to enhance their business. Even in the post COVID19 world, it is highly likely that there might not be many exhibitions or events for gathering people and companies might take place. The world will be different and you will be responsible for the situation of your profits/losses and anything in between.

So don't wait, go online and visit http://www.chemicalmarket.net and upload your products or post your buy enquiries. Reach out to us if you have any queries and we will do our best to help you out to face the tough and challenging business environment.

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