Azodicarbonamide Blowing Agent / Azodicarbonamide

Azodicarbonamide Blowing Agent / Azodicarbonamide
  • CAS-Number :-
  • Molecular Formula :-
  • Molecular Weight :- mol/g
  • Available Qty :- 500.0000 Kgs
  • Package Size :- 50 kgs
  • Price :- INR 380.0000 / Kgs
  • Markets :- Basic Chemicals | Leather Industry |

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Usage/Application Artificial leather
Physical State Powder
Plastic Chemicals type Foaming
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Color Yellow
Country of Origin Made in India

The principal use of azodicarbonamide is in the production of foamed plastics as a blowing agent. The thermal decomposition of azodicarbonamide produces nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and ammonia gases, which are trapped in the polymer as bubbles to form a foamed article.

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