Non Phthalate Plasticiser

Non Phthalate Plasticiser
  • CAS-Number :-
  • Molecular Formula :-
  • Molecular Weight :- mol/g
  • Available Qty :- 200.0000 Kgs
  • Package Size :- 200 Kg
  • Price :- INR 210.0000 / Kgs
  • Markets :- Basic Chemicals |

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Minimum Order Quantity 200 Kg
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Packaging Size 200 kgs
Type Phthalates
Types Adipates, Phthalates
Form Liquid
Usage Wire & Cable, Film & Sheet
Packaging Type Barrel
Color Transparent
Plasticizers Purity 99
Place Of Origin GERMANY
Brand BASF
  • It is Colorless, clear and practically anhydrous Liquid
  • It is having hardly noticeable odor

Uses -

Non phthalate plasticizer is listed for use in food contact and medical application.

Additional Information: Packaging Details: 200 Kgs MS DRUM

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