
Locations :
  • Univex
  • México

Product Categories :
  • Grua
  • Railroad Tractor
  • All Terrain
  • Railroad Tractor
  • Cooling Chiller
  • Vertical Process Water Tank
  • Tank
  • Catalyst Separation Filter
  • Stainless Steel
  • Column
  • Exchange
  • Three-phase oil-filled
  • Separator Vertical
  • Evaporator Column
  • Valves
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Centrifugal Pumps
  • Replacement Drum
  • Rotary Dryer
  • Clarke Fire Pump
  • Vertical Column

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View All My Products (23 posted)

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As a dedicated industrial auction firm, we pride ourselves on our dedication and service to industrial auction buyers and sellers. We have experience across a large variety of industries, ensuring the kind of industrial equipment expertise that is valuable to both buyers and sellers.

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