Hohenstein digitises textile properties of clothing fabrics

05 Mar 2021
BÖNNIGHEIM (hm) Precise digital material parameters are the key to the successful use of 3D technologies in the apparel industry. Hohenstein digitises the properties of textile fabrics for brands, clothing manufacturers and their suppliers. The Hohenstein data is compatible with common software systems and is available in all required file formats. Companies are thus able to carry out realistic 3D simulations and optimise their processes in design, product development and product communication. This saves resources and shortens the time until the collections are launched on the market.

In laboratory procedures specially adapted for 3D simulation, the Hohenstein experts use fabric samples to determine the material's physical characteristics such as weight, thickness, stiffness and stretch. This is followed by testing of the fold volume and shape using a drapemeter. The results are converted into the various file formats of the 3D simulation systems so that the digital material parameters are available in the appropriate file format for each customer. Upon request, Hohenstein also simulates the associated draping images in 3D to visualize the specific draping behavior of the tested material for the customer. That way, digital prototypes can be created that subsequently accelerate the approval processes and require significantly less material when making real prototypes for production.


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