DKSH Publishes its Sixth Sustainability Report and Provides Enhanced Climate-Related Disclosure

Press Release

20 Oct 2023
DKSH has published its 2022 Sustainability Report, outlining its revised sustainability strategy and the progress made on environmental, social, and governance-related topics. Alongside, DKSH also publishes its first Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report.

Zurich, May 16, 2023 – DKSH reconfirms its sustainability ambition with a new strategy that embeds sustainability in its corporate strategy. In the Sustainability Report 2022, DKSH aligns climate-related disclosures to the recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

During 2022, DKSH has revised its sustainability strategy to become a focus area of the Group's corporate strategy. The revised sustainability strategy now contains four long-term objectives:
  • Enable Our People to Flourish
  • Make Our Value Chains More Sustainable
  • Become Climate Neutral by 2030
  • Make a Positive Local Impact

DKSH promotes an inclusive and diverse environment to “Enable Our People to Flourish”. Last year, the organization launched a Group-wide Belonging Policy, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Within the same year of implementation, 74% of managers have been trained on this Belonging program. In 2022, DKSH employed 31% females in senior leadership positions, up from 29% in 2021.

As part of the ongoing effort to “Make Our Value Chains More Sustainable”, DKSH established a roadmap for supplier assessment as part of its responsible procurement practices, following the publication of its Responsible Procurement Policy in 2022.

DKSH is on track to “Become Climate Neutral by 2030”. The organization achieved 42% reduction of its Scope 1+2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its 2020 baseline and confirms its target to reduce 65% of GHG emissions in its own operations by 2025 from 2020 levels. Compared to 2021, DKSH reduced 3.5% of its Scope 1+2 emissions and, for the first time, reports waste data for all relevant distribution centers.

At the heart of DKSH’s purpose, the organization continues to “Make a Positive Local Impact” with social projects that benefit communities in its markets of operation. Last year, DKSH organized 76 local community projects. All of DKSH’s significant markets engaged in these projects.
Stefan P. Butz, CEO of DKSH, said: “Our commitment to sustainability remains as important as ever. We underline our ambition with our four long-term objectives that embed sustainability even further into our organization. Knowing that collective efforts are crucial to sustain and regenerate a shared future, we will continue to consistently implement our sustainability strategy to achieve our purpose of enriching people’s lives.”

The 2022 Sustainability Report has been prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The following Key Performance Indications (KPIs) obtained limited external assurance in accordance with ISO 14064-1: (a) GHG emissions, (b) percentage of females in senior leadership positions, and (c) number of work-related fatalities. The Sustainability Report 2022, including the assurance report and verification statement, is available at:


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