CategoryMachinery & Equipments

TRACKMOBILE Railroad Tractor
  • TRACKMOBILE Railroad Tractor

TRACKMOBILE Railroad Tractor


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TRACKMOBILE Railroad Tractor, Model 4150 TM Magnum; Serial No. LGN97O25-1297, with Cummins 6BT5 Turbocharged Diesel Engine, 6 Cylinders, 130 HP, 130 Amps Alternator, two Couplers for Railroad Tracks, Railroad Air Brakes 53 CFM, Pneumatic Wheels. 9-6, 6 Cylinders, 130 HP Power, 130 Amps Alternator, two Railroad Couplers, Railroad Air Brakes 53 CFM, Pneumatic Wheels for Off Track Operation with Heavy Duty Retractable Suspension, Cast Steel Track Wheels Heat Treated in accordance with the Association of American Railroads, Heavy Duty Steel Chassis Structure, Completely Built in Prefabricated Sections and Structural Profiles

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