Editorial September-2018 Are you attending these exhibitions

Rajiv Parikh

05 Sep 2018
With the end of monsoons and the month of festivals setting in, we offer you a new issue with the latest information from the industry. This is a very special issue for us as it covers some of the most important areas of the industry. In this issue, we have tried to cover the Agrochemicals industry in India, Global automobile industry, the rubber industry and the world of textile and printing dyes. Every industry plays a significant role in the growth of the global economy and each country has its own challenges and drawbacks that have an impact on the industry.
The Indian agrochemical industry has huge potential to grow if the government and regulatory bodies work in unison with the farmers. The demand for pesticides is only going to increase in the coming years. Further, the global automobile economy is currently at a slow growth rate but it has the potential to grow substantially in the next decade. The automobile industry is very important for the global growth and it needs a lot of investment in the form of research and development. We also have a detailed report about the rubber industry and the challenges and opportunities faced by the same.
We believe you are aware of the inventory sharing platform where we allow you to list the products on the platform and connect with members in the industry. This is a simple way of allowing the traders, manufacturers and distributers to connect with one another and fulfill the orders. You can fulfill the orders as per your needs by connecting with other traders and manufacturers in the industry. With the Inventory Sharing Platform, we aim to connect likeminded individuals and fulfill their orders in a quick and convenient manner while keeping your privacy intact. Our aim is to make business convenient and easier for every member in the community.
We are very happy to inform you about the upcoming exhibitions in the industry. We hope and wish that you a part of the exhibition and become an active participant of the very growing industry. The exhibition is an opportunity to meet like minded individuals and expand your knowledge about the latest developments in the industry. Every exhibition has opened new avenues of knowledge for us and has allowed us to learn about sectors that allow a nation and the global economy to grow.
- Cosmetics Ingredients & Packing India
- India Chem 2018 - Inter Dye Turkey (Istanbul)
- Turkchem Eurasia (Istanbul)
- CHINACOAT 2018 (Gaungzhou, China)
Our industry is constantly expanding and we are delighted to be a source of information for you. We would love to hear your feedback on the same. Allow us to learn and grow with your feedback. Our endeavor is to make business easier and information accessible to every member in our family. Join us as we try to give you the best opportunities of expanding your business through our platform.


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