Editorial November 2022 Almost Done with the Year

Rajiv Parikh

15 Nov 2022
The October issue was a great success after we engaged several advertisers to sign up for our Leads Platform and publish a quarter page ad which will give them more exposure in the chemical industry. The Leads Platform still is in its infancy and several people claimed that digital marketing is the future even in the chemical industry. We are in the works of developing a Chemical Market app and plan to launch the first version by the end of the year. If there are any ideas and suggestions from your end, please let us know. We will also conduct a brief survey about features we want in the app so that 1000s of traders, distributors and manufacturers in the chemical industry benefit from it.

We had several news this month some of which are listed below.

Airnov celebrates five years of manufacturing in India and announces participation at CPHI India 2022 ...Full story

Hohenstein India Inauguration of new leather and footwear laboratory. ...Full story

Vipul Organics announces Q2 results for FY 2022-2023 ...Full story

INEOS BICHLORTM electrolysers selected by Chemfab Alkalis Karaikal Limited CAKL for major chlor-alkali plant investment in India ...

Well these are just a few highlights on what’s happening in the chemical industry. The industry is huge and we want your active participation in making something big and new which can change the lives of the people. So keep building, keep innovating and we keep providing you updates on the chemical industry.

This year there are several exhibitions which are happening and most of them have done well so far. We have cphi, chemlog, interdye and several other within the next couple months. Please refer to our events calendar. Also, we are working on Twitter to build a Twitter Community called the “World Chemical Industry” which will be an amazing tool to collaborate. More details up and when we are ready to use the Twitter platform as more fluent we get with the Twitter Community feature of Twitter. This is just the beginning.

We have extended our offer for free 6 months 1⁄4 page ad for members who can subscribe the magazine for next 3 years. This way we can keep connecting new members in the chemical industry. Advertisers can upgrade to a 1⁄2 page or full page ad content and get the exposure they seek from fellow potential business customers.

The next month, we hope to bring your more features of our leads platform and hope you be a part of it and share your experiences on how we can improve upon the system to make things easier for the community in general to share, colloborate, auction, recruit and search jobs in the chemical industry. We are also open to brokers providing us chemical products prices on a regular basis and we automate the system so that members can get pricing insights through charts and graphs. Lots of things are in pipeline and we hope you will be a part of the system to make it successful.


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