Bio-based carbon Engaging your business and consumers in a sustainable transformation

10 Feb 2022
Consumer goods manufacturers are increasingly engaging in the transition to low-carbon activities, from production to product, a move that presents both significant opportunities and challenges.

We invite you to join our customers in gaining practical insights on sustainable transformation at our virtual Round Table event hosted live from Switzerland this March 3, 2022, at 1:30 pm CET.

We’re bringing together Aleyn Smith-Gillespie from Carbon Trust, Michael Carus from nova-Institute and “Mr Goodvertising” Thomas Kolster, to share their perspectives on the lower carbon economy, the role of technologies, and how to engage with consumers through sustainability.

Expect lively discussion, with plenty of opportunity to submit questions directly to the experts. Plus, we’re hosting market segment-relevant breakout sessions so you can hone in on the areas that interest you most.

Look forward to:
  • Key insights into the challenges posed by the transformation towards a lower carbon economy
  • Discussion around how the chemical industry and its customers can connect the dots between rapidly changing regulations and technologies
  • How to encourage end consumers to play the most vital role of all – to change their consumption habits


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