Archroma Adds Strength Booster Cartastrength Abl To Its Solution System For Packaging And Tissue Paper Production

01 Nov 2023
Reinach, Switzerland, 16 October 2018 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced the introduction of its new innovation, Cartastrength® ABL, a dry strength booster for packaging and tissue papers.

Archroma is committed to introducing innovations especially aimed at making fast-growing sectors - such as packaging and tissue paper - more sustainable. Its innovation efforts focus on increasing performance and sustainability for its customers, both during the manufacturing process and in the end product.

Archroma is therefore working at helping create more durable board and paper, with products aimed at making board and paper stronger or by making the use of recycled fiber easier. The company recently reinforced its strength management portfolio with Cartastrength® ABL, a solution that combines increased filler retention whilst maintaining dry strength.

Archroma now adds a new innovation to its portfolio with Cartastrength® ABL, a product also aimed at boosting the performance of wet, dry and surface strength solutions, as well as improving the retention of fines and fillers.

As with the recently launched Cartastrength® DST.03, Cartastrength® ABL also helps with deposit control (stickies) and machine runnability.
John Cowman, Technical Manager at Archroma comments: “Cartastrength® ABL, and the recently Cartastrength® DST.03, are the latest illustrations of our commitment to continuously challenge the status quo in the deep belief that we can make our industry sustainable. The strength booster was inspired by our innovative focus on the needs of our customers and market. Once more the result is a new chemistry that benefits not only paper producers - who will enjoy a more efficient and cost effective production process, but also the environment, because the recyclability of paper and board is made easier.”

Packaging Tissue Paper Archroma adds strength booster Cartastrength® ABL to its solution system for packaging and tissue paper production. (Photo: Archroma)


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